Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Apology For Barking Dog

Prat Pier Activities: Festival of San Pedro

occasion of the celebration of the patron saint of fishermen, was held at the Muelle Prat and the Caleta El Membrillo, South America and Portales a procession attended by thousands of faithful, folk groups, students and the Navy for this commemoration.

The feast of St. Peter is celebrated in these locations for over 120 years. On June 29, 1888, as an appreciation for the assistance provided by the saint made the first procession in the hands of a small group of fishermen of Caleta El Membrillo. Since then the activity gained momentum and has become one of the local celebrations more traditional, standing out for its great heritage and tourism value.
The festival began as a land procession by the fishermen, who are accompanied by Banda Instrumental of the Navy, religious dances, bands and community colleges in general, concluding with a Mass at the Church of The Matrix on the following day after having made the procession of boats on the waterfront.

This year the activity started on Saturday 26 June at 1730 hours by land and resumed on Sunday 27 at 11.00 am with dances and marches. After a recess, the celebration continued sea at about 15.00 pm with a distance from the Prat Pier to Caleta Portales, continuing to the Caleta El Membrillo and ending back at the dock. El Santo, along with the Virgin Mary, then to be landed continued its journey to the Church of The Matrix, where he said mass, thereby ending the commemoration. ---

especially would like to thank Don Carlos Lemus and "Canelo", member of folk group Wila Masi, for giving us the oportundad to participate in this activity so closely. The new experience we have gained is something I will not forget and which we are truly grateful.

Tech Deck Party Invitations

Prat Pier Activities: Student

As activity of the University decided to bring our partners to take a boat ride to see what was happening on the pier in an educational and entertaining.
The tour was joined by Don Carlos Lemus, who told us of the situation of the union, the boats and dock in general. This activity
our friends could see with their own eyes the damage caused by the earthquake in the spring and lived experience of seeing the beautiful ocean Valparaiso.

This activity enjoyed our partners from Buenos Aires culture also knew the scenario that is now in the dock, the reasons why it is so and what the union is doing to make boaters ensure their permanence in place.

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Paseo Muelle Prat

- "the boat is going!" - Was one of the first words we heard upon arrival at Muelle Prat. Many people in charge of boats were preparing to draw public attention to the little fearful, while interesting, came to the industry, invited to observe the tradition that has remained in place for several generations. The great family that make people who work here are struggling every day to get economic support to their homes. Each member enjoys the fun atmosphere that reigns there, or rather reigned .. . On this occasion, we just noticed the site certain air desolation: the earthquake of February 27 had left its mark not only the spring but also in the heart of Buenos Aires. This also became one of the reasons that motivated us to choose it as a point of investigation, and we wanted to know why this is, get to the bottom of the situation and bring to light what is hidden to our eyes, in addition to learn more about the hidden history of one of the economic sectors, culturales y turístico más importante de Valparaíso.

Para adentrarnos en el asunto, comenzamos a observar el lugar para entender cómo afectaba el aire de desolación al público en general: en los turistas extranjeros se notaba sorpresa por los daños estructurales, sin embargo, esto nos los reprimió, paseando por el sector de lo más normal (aunque la cantidad de turistas extranjeros era mínima); en el caso de los turistas nacionales, se veía en sus rostros reflejada la preocupación ante lo acontecido, sumándose a esto un recelo hacia el mar, evidenciado principalmente en los adultos " no quiero pasear en lancha porque si hay otro maremoto... " (visitante sector) and the local people, boaters, artisans and other workers were in itself a depressing atmosphere, it was noticed on the view that her life had changed.
To enter into the subject from the viewpoint of the protagonists, we went to talk to Don Carlos Lemus, president of the National Inter-Union Workers Boats Prat Pier, which was kindly providing the necessary information to become aware of what really happened. One of the issues that most intrigued us was why Prat Pier was in such bad shape two months of the earthquake, to which he replied that it was void because the act part of the company behind the dock, Valparaíso Port Company. Then we learned that the sector is owned by the company and the Boat Owners Association "leased the pier for docking sector and to make the trip across the bay" (Nelson Garrido, member of the union of boaters), so EPV that would be required to take over the maintenance of the site. However, the EPV and boaters (we focus on the latter as representatives of the struggle) are rivals looking to make the property or keep it, respectively. On the one hand, the company wants them out of place, since they occupy a strategic sector for the port. By contrast, the boaters do not want to move there, because the spring has been with them for generations, naciéndoles a sense of belonging and identity with it.
order to organize and to champion their rights in a united way, created in 1984, the National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier boats, initially to solve the problems between workers and owners, however, this he joined the fight against the EPV, which took full ownership of the port of Valparaiso in 1998, after the enactment of the Port Modernization 19,542. Now not only defending the rights of workers but also their jobs. Note that if the EPV got to separate it would be a blow not only for boaters, it would be a blow to the history of the port.
The trouble with all this fighting is that they are boaters and people living there who suffer the consequences directly, since the company has the backing of the law. That is why boaters are organized to fight for their rights and keep what theirs is.
At present, the most important problem affecting the spring, and thus who are in it, is the destruction that generated the last earthquake. Achieve a quick solution is to give the current battle occurred in place, which involves all workers. So far the EPV has given only "aspirin" to the problems they have and have been told they must wait until they make the change directory command port (the conclusion of the alliance), and after six months begin studies of the place, in other words, are preventing the delivery of a prompt resolution.
As we had Don Nelson Garrido, the problematic relationship is between the boaters and the board of the EPV, as the latter are those who do not accept and seek to eradicate the place, so boaters should be alert to the plays that they made. This is what triggered a series of measures taken by the boatmen (union and association) and has had several consequences. To begin, through the advice of Mr. Milos Miskovik, director of the Tourism Development Department of the Municipality of Valparaíso and thanks to the latter, achieved the distinction of Intangible Heritage of Humanity to the boats, was obtained with this protection and State support and UNESCO , ensuring their stay at the dock, as well as to keep their jobs. In addition to this you are looking for ways to pursue legal actions to improve the situation of the spring, through a complaint to the EPV for it accountable for the infrastructure problems of the sector. Although still in the planning stage and is not sure if that would prove to promising implications for improving post-earthquake conditions being experienced in the Prat Pier.

We conclude that the fight that occurs in the spring is far from over and that while boaters are handicapped by the EPV, they will not give up so easily, they seek all means to keep the Muelle Prat as their place of belonging and home for much longer, thus conserving part of the tradition and culture of Buenos Aires most striking of the Jewel of the Pacific.

Pierced Genitals Gallery

Story triangulated and the earthquake on February 27 Fight Videos Lancheros 2010

On 27 February thousands of people woke up around 3.30 in the morning because of a strong tremor that ran from the Coquimbo Region IV to Region X of Los Lagos. The quake registered a magnitude of Valparaiso eighth grades in the Mercalli scale (scale measuring the effects of the earthquake), which means it was a destructive movement characteristics. In the fifth region were many towns that were hit with severe damage to buildings and heritage sites, as well as residential sectors.


UCV TV, Muelle Prat with serious damage. [Click here]

Prat Pier was one of many that was damaged in Valparaiso. This infrastructure was strong sequels that not only damaged the facade but also affect the activities of the workers on site. The pier is one of the areas declared a World Heritage Site, so that both the State and the Port of Valparaiso should take care to change the current situation. However, bad luck for workers, with the change of command of the nation is not possible to give a quick solution the case, not until the change was communicated to the board that governs the company. In the words of the president of the National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier boats, Don Carlos Lemus, the company would turn the sector around the month of September to discuss stage and, after that, making a decision. Until then the appearance of the spring will not change.

As can be seen, the conditions under which lies the spring does not cause any inconvenience to the company, but for the workers, who see themselves as going to lead a more powerful entity, and neither the state does something. At this time the spring continues in appalling conditions, the earthquake reduced footprint and increased the insecurity of those who work there and all those who visited the area, lessening the sightseeing and thus, the income of people who earn their living in that place.

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Prat Pier Muelle Prat

The following videos are evidence of the struggle to bring long boaters and fishermen who work in or near the Muelle Prat.

* Material provided po r Don Carlos Lemus, president of National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier boats.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Does One Kg Of Fat Look Like?

: "A Place Anthropological" Muelle Prat

"These places have at least three common features. Are considered (or consider) identificatory, relational and historical. (...) In one place can exist distinct elements and unique, certainly, but of which there is no reason to think or relationships or shared identity to them by the occupation of the commonplace. "

Marc Augé (1992). "The Non-Places, Spaces of Anonymity" (pp. 58-60).

Then Prat Pier meets caracteríticas described by Marc Augé, pudiéndosele seen as an anthropological :

  • To begin with, has identity that sets it apart from the rest. People who have an experience and make common struggle that unites and leads one to look north, all members share a single identity. Although the Prat Wharf is comprised of various unions, these are all axes of the same unit which represents a large family. By focusing on the boaters we focus on one of the members of this history, which stars in a leading role in the fight to be one of the unions with more and more vulnerable members of the axes, and directly and continuously receiving the repressions of the Port of Valparaiso.

  • Secondly, it is relational . As previously mentioned, the Prat Wharf consists of a number of unions which are in constant interaction with not only themselves but also with other sectors, unions and organizations. For example, the Independent Workers Union of Fishermen's Wharf Sudamericana conducts its activities in the continuous inlet to the dock and have interaction with boaters in various activities, as the celebration of St. Peter and St. Paul is also the organization in charge of the Ex-Prison, who have contact with through the Inter-Union President National Boat Dock Workers Prat, Carlos Lemus, the it is also an active member of that community.

  • Finally, history has . El Muelle Prat was founded in the eighteenth century as a point of arrival of people and cargo from large ships to shore. Initially its purpose was not tourism, in the last century or so, has taken a course that is bounded in this area. It is noteworthy that, like many sectors of Valparaiso the spring has been named a World Heritage Site , since it has a history full of traditions behind it and extending to several decades. The spring has gone through many experiences throughout his life, earning a place in the history of Puerto Principal.

All members of the family which is the Muelle Prat h accentuated that this is an anthropological site, as it is created when there is awareness that children (Augé, 1992), ie when the sharing of experiences, a common history and constant interaction comes a sense of belonging and the need for permanence is now home and not just a better place.

Monday, June 28, 2010

How Many Minutes A Day To We Gain From

When we walk along the beautiful Pacific Joya is impossible to not visit certain sites as key points of our tour route: Victoria Square, Paseo Atkinson, The Lift Range, and as no mention at Muelle Prat.

Facing the Plaza Sotomayor, the Muelle Prat is one of the main resorts of Valparaiso as well known for its craft fair, the restaurant Lifeboat striking and beautiful tourist boats that allow us to have an overview of the City from the sea.
However, there was always a tourist area. At its inception, the pier was used purposes of carrying personnel and supplies from the large vessels of the Port to the coast. As time has witnessed political changes, earthquake and disaster, among other events that have occurred in the large Valparaiso, but has always remained intact and continued to monitor what is happening around them. However, in the spring, as elsewhere, there hides a reality that escapes the eye of the world and has a lot of history, which has been forged to be what we know today.

porteñas Keeping traditions that today we show in the spring has not been an easy job. Behind this beautiful facade hides an interesting battle to remain loaded with a strong sense of common identity among the many participants in it. The pier would not be what we see today but for the hidden conflicts, as if there were no enemy would not be born a sense of unity that grows here and there would place as itself.

The pillars supporting the pier and give the name " place " Unions are fighting against the repression of the Port of Valparaíso, and these unions are: Lifeboat Restaurant Union, Union Gallery The Volunteer Corps and the National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier boats. We will focus on the latter, since it is the most vulnerable of all, since the territory of these is the sea.

In this blog we intend to show part of the struggle that is based on the Muelle Prat from the anthropological point of view, for the sake of making a spring ethnographic work, answering the question what is global struggle the Other?