Monday, June 28, 2010

How Many Minutes A Day To We Gain From

When we walk along the beautiful Pacific Joya is impossible to not visit certain sites as key points of our tour route: Victoria Square, Paseo Atkinson, The Lift Range, and as no mention at Muelle Prat.

Facing the Plaza Sotomayor, the Muelle Prat is one of the main resorts of Valparaiso as well known for its craft fair, the restaurant Lifeboat striking and beautiful tourist boats that allow us to have an overview of the City from the sea.
However, there was always a tourist area. At its inception, the pier was used purposes of carrying personnel and supplies from the large vessels of the Port to the coast. As time has witnessed political changes, earthquake and disaster, among other events that have occurred in the large Valparaiso, but has always remained intact and continued to monitor what is happening around them. However, in the spring, as elsewhere, there hides a reality that escapes the eye of the world and has a lot of history, which has been forged to be what we know today.

porteñas Keeping traditions that today we show in the spring has not been an easy job. Behind this beautiful facade hides an interesting battle to remain loaded with a strong sense of common identity among the many participants in it. The pier would not be what we see today but for the hidden conflicts, as if there were no enemy would not be born a sense of unity that grows here and there would place as itself.

The pillars supporting the pier and give the name " place " Unions are fighting against the repression of the Port of Valparaíso, and these unions are: Lifeboat Restaurant Union, Union Gallery The Volunteer Corps and the National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier boats. We will focus on the latter, since it is the most vulnerable of all, since the territory of these is the sea.

In this blog we intend to show part of the struggle that is based on the Muelle Prat from the anthropological point of view, for the sake of making a spring ethnographic work, answering the question what is global struggle the Other?


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