Friday, July 2, 2010

Brown Discharge And Spot Bleeding

Project "Prat Pier boats on the way to recognition as Historic Monuments"

At what is called "Historic Monuments"

According to the provisions of Law 17,288 on the National Monuments in Title III, Section 9 :

"Son Monuments places, ruins , buildings and objects of state property, municipal or private individual for their quality and historic interest or artistic or seniority, are declared such by executive decree, issued upon request and agreement of the Council of National Monuments "

Historic Landmarks in the area of \u200b\u200bValparaíso Historic Area Typical are the following:

  1. Castillo San Jose (DS N ° 2372 of March 19, 1963)
  2. Church of The Matrix (DS N ° 2412 of October 6, 1971)
  3. Building Optical Hammersley (DS N º 556 of June 10, 1976)
  4. Ex Municipality Palace (DS N º 170 of January 23, 1979)
  5. Anglican Church San Pablo (Supreme Decree No. 1876 July 19 1979)
  6. Building Cruise Pasaje Ross (DS N º 316 of July 19, 1994)
  7. Baburizza Palace (DS N ° 1876 of July 19, 1979)
  8. Elevator Queen Victoria (DS N º 866 of September 1, 1998)
  9. Elevator Conception Turri (DS N º 866 of September 1, 1998)
  10. Lift Range (DS N º 866 of September 1, 1998)
  11. Elevator The Pearl (DS N º 866 of September 1, 1998)
  12. Pullman trolleybuses Standard (DS N º 761 of September 26, 2003)

What is a Historic Monument? means


  • is protected and safeguarded by the State of Chile, through Law 17,288 of national monuments to their proper conservation.
  • is part of our cultural heritage. This heritage is the legacy of our ancestors, present helps to shape our identity and allows us to project ourselves forward as a society. It is through these assets that is witnessed in our history, our values \u200b\u200band symbolic expressions.

be Conditions Monument

may not be demolished and in general can only be objects consservación and restoration works of science, designed to enhance and mantain their unique cultural values.
not allow changes that impair its original characteristics and outstanding.
not allow modifications to the volume. Must be maintained in full all existing original elements in the building and retrieve textures, materials, spaces and ornaments, among others. Being a
Historic Landmarks or has been subject to continuous modifications prior to its declaration, we must eliminate all the works that distort the original merits. This is without prejudice to the need to safeguard the stability and safety of the structure.

Town Limits Patrimonial Valparaiso

---- First Step: How is to declare a building a National Monument?

The National Monuments Council (NMC) is the body that must decide on the coexistence of declared national monuments. However, the statute (Law 17.288) states that any authority or person can speak out about the Council in writing, the existence of movable or immovable which may be considered Monument.

Second Step: What records must be attached to request the declaration of a National Monument?

In the case of a Historic Monument,
  • must identify the work,
  • approximate date of construction, conservation
  • ,
  • historical and artistic, among others.

In all cases aconsajable have letters of support from the territorial authority (district, administration, community) and the owners. Strengths

Prat Pier Boat

From the Viewpoint of Productive
  • Merchant Support for Trade Development in Valparaiso which is transferred to the Buenos Aires community in providing resources .
  • pioneers in the development of tourism and trade, with experience of 100 years of experience.
  • organize and conduct, social responsibility and social tourism to the community through activities such as the Ocean Month Celebration for colleges and schools with limited resources for free (Maritime Sanatorium - Rotary).
  • is the logical link in shipping between Valparaiso-Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Torpederas, Valparaíso, Laguna Verde, Valparaiso Quintay, which facilitates the opening of new tourist routes and trade between these areas, especially involving development of the communities of Laguna Verde and Quintay.

From the Viewpoint of Equity

Despite advances in technology, science, culture and urban development in the city of Valparaiso, the office has been maintained over time, therefore, are the control transformational changes Valparaiso from the standpoint of urban planning, architecture and culture.
His look of Valparaiso is a very unique look that is a front view of the city from the sea.
have to give value to the profession in terms of their activities and contribution to the community generates, culture, trade and tourism.

From the Viewpoint of Cultural
Give value
festivals, rites and legends associated with this job as, for example, the feast of San Pedro and San Pablo, Month of the Sea and New Year, among others.
are the representatives of the City of Valparaiso from the Sea

Monument Advantages of being
  • support and protection of tangible and intangible heritage of Valparaiso boats and craft.
  • be star of the construction of the City of Valparaiso as a City Heritage of Humanity.
  • Improving Social Networks around the development of tourism and social development in the City of Valparaiso.
  • achieve greater ownership of the trade and its contribution to the development of the Jewel of the Pacific.
  • develop historical and cultural legacy of the boats of Valparaiso.

participating entities of the proposed
  • Advisory Group
  • Boat Owners Association City of Valparaiso

Methodology Working

--- Professional Team Counsel shall consist of: historians, anthropologists, BS Tourism, Industrial Engineer and Designer.


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