Sunday, July 4, 2010

Red Curly Hair Actresses

modernization Is justification for the loss of traditions in Buenos Aires, who fall victim to capitalism in the hands of big business?

In today's society all around us is constantly changing: the cell phone today is the latest generation in less than a month will be obsolete, the latest model computer will soon scrap today it is possible to create stem cells artificially ... Y so, the case with most things. Our world runs at high speed towards achieving significant progress in improving the quality of life and welfare of the people, but if we let this process invades all areas of our reality we may lose our identity. Preserving tradition has become more difficult than the day before yesterday, as the inexhaustible desire to destroy everything that progress does not cooperate with their interests. Three decades ago it was normal to celebrate Christmas with the family celebrating the birth of Jesus and family togetherness, forgetting somewhat from the gifts and emphasizing the feeling of love that is generated. Today, consumerism and Christmas is equivalent to most children do not associate this date with unity and love, but with gifts. Here we show that the fast pace of modern life leaves little room to keep to tradition: the wasting away of a bit and replaced by technology and money.
accompanied modernization of capitalism, as it gains power as the modernization is gaining ground: a specialized industry, working in different areas to increase productivity, to do this also increase the profits and the owner can get rich, born in the latter "a love of money" that will support the modernization pro-feed their selfish feeling. The lust to have more the other brand even further the gap between social classes: some are enriched at the expense of the impoverishment of others. For this to make money, big companies ignore the traditions and customs of the place which is located in your area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, not caring to bypass as long as they achieve their purpose. In this framework gives the struggle of the inhabitants of the Muelle Prat, who want to preserve their traditions and identity, dealing with capitalism and modernization, which are materialized by the Port of Valparaiso. The EPV rid of them in order to unify their domains in the port of Valparaiso and increase their profits, however, if they do this would destroy part History of Chile and part of Buenos Aires culture, so the unions that make up the spring are at war against the oppression. To demonstrate this struggle, we have focused our sights on the speedboat, which have a more difficult and direct confrontation to the EPV, compared with the other participants of the problem, that they are the only ones who do not have insurance and a permanent physical rather than the sea. It is worth mentioning that while boaters are divided into two groups: the National Inter-Union Workers Prat Pier Boats and Boat Owners Association of Muelle Prat, both work for the same reason, however, our informant key belongs to the first.
Prat Pier is a tourist spot and one of the World Heritage Site, so its importance is not less, since they contribute to the Jewel of the Pacific a historical and cultural legacy that support this status. However, only the land area of \u200b\u200bthe pier falls into this category, leaving disadvantaged and drift boaters, those having no support of this style are constantly attacked by the EPV, as these do not generate "profits "to have them at the dock. Year after year, various "inconveniences" in the speedboat courtesy of the company, which strives to get them out of place. These "head pain" have been that the union be revived after almost ten years of inactivity to fight injustices, protecting the rights of its members and taking the fight to retain their achieve home and source of work. Although the problems faced are varied over time, the background is always the same. This year came a new problem: after the earthquake in February, the pier was badly damaged, what infrastructure will not only affected but also to workers in the spring. Only in the case of the boaters, boat trips decreased drastically, which was caused by a decline in visitors to the area, this because about 65% building was damaged, reducing the physical size of the place and thus safety. The EPV and the Government are the ones to ensure the maintenance of the place, however, with the change of command decision deferred until six months, of which so far have trasncurrido about three. The port in no hurry to change the situation, because they are not affected, but the boaters and local people themselves. Have demanded a quick solution, but not listen to them and tempt them to abandon it is better to stay, but boaters are not asking for money or anything that they do not appropriate, only asking for decent conditions for work so we can take the bread every day home.

Something that stands out among all, hope, tenacity and perseverance of the boatmen no limits: God never closes a door without opening a window , so searched and searched the "window "and gave a great solution. Thanks to the advice of Mr. Milos Miskovik, director of the Department of Tourist Development and the support of the Municipality of Valparaiso, have been able to Project "Vieux Port" , with which he recognized as Intangible Heritage of humanity to the boats, the EPV can not move them from their current location. This has been a big step for boaters, which shows that the one who perseveres reaches. By the time the boaters have won a battle for the Buenos Aires culture, proving that modernization and the thirst for money is not too strong justification to overturn a tradition.


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