Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fritolay Job Application

A new wave of English wine arrives in Mexico for the purpose of connecting with importers and distributors and find ways of marketing it one of the most attractive to producers around the world . In a week that we have spent almost the cup in his hand to many visits to winemakers and brand presentations and regions, could not miss a tour of the V Sample Wines From Spain, organized by that country's embassy in Mexico through its economic and trade office.

Unlike English Wine Day, held in the embassy, \u200b\u200bthis meeting has been to space the Camino Real hotel aims at the gateway to new business proposals to be incorporated into the already extensive list of English labels present in the Mexican market. The gear should not be anything wrong, much less the results, and that except two or three voices of discouragement, in general the comments from exhibitors is that of an optimistic expectation by introducing their wines to the circuit national. The opening gives such confidence that some have even asked us what we consider importing more suitable for this or that wine, according to their characteristics.

After natural settings, the result of changes in the English embassy, \u200b\u200bdynamic and purposeful atmosphere returns to the runway, with details that have managed to shore up the seriousness and professionalism of this type of event generated by the embassy. A great pleasure to be in charge Begani the rubric of public relations and media, as few figures as Beatriz GarcĂ­a Nicolat have managed to channel the issues of food and English wines in the flow of information, whether printed or electronic.

has also been gratified by the presence of Jesus Ten winemaker as the developer who specializes in wines from Spain through the various tastings and presentations throughout the day.

The Wine Show V of Spain in Mexico included 48 warehouses, exposing more than 27 names of English origin, grape varieties such as Tempranillo, Garnacha, Syrah, Carignan, Verdejo and Godello, among others.

Unlike representing English Wine Day, with a stronger brand presence and warehouses already recognized in Mexico, this meeting is a real derroteos and adventure with many routes, as the same are present very cheap wines and unpretentious, that expressions like Priorat DO superb looking for a niche in the consumer segment of premium wines.

as indicated by the trade reports in Spain, the Mexican market has very positive prospects for increased per capita wine consumption compared to mature markets like Spain, Italy or France.

The per capita wine consumption in Mexico is estimated at about 550 ml, still very low compared with other countries such as Spain, France and Italy, with consumption estimated at about 25 to 50 liters per capita per year.

However, experts estimate that Mexico will experience an annual growth rate of consumption of 12% for the coming years. It is therefore an attractive market for English wine which already is the leader with a broad representation of the varieties and appellations of origin in Spain and positioned with an excellent brand image and quality for the Mexican consumer.

Spain, with about 1.16 million hectares for growing grapes , is the country with the largest area of \u200b\u200bvineyards in the European Union and the world. Represents third of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe EU and more than 15% of the world . It should be noted that Spain is the third leading producer of wine with a production of about 38 million bushels, second only to France and Italy.

As to the value of exports, Spain has become the second largest exporter of wine in the world, surpassed only by Italy.

In the Mexican market, Spain, ranks first in wine imports by value with sales of more than $ 18 million and a market share of 29% in the period January-June 2010 , and second in imports by volume with 4.1 million liters, representing an increase of 13% over the same period last year, behind Chile, which exported 7.1 million liters in the same period.

The reports confirm the recovery of the Mexican wine market, with preliminary data that put the imports of English wine in value more than $ 43 million for the period January-November 2010, with an import quota of 30 %. Spain ranks behind Chile, which exports $ 30 million to Mexico, with a share of 21%. Both countries experienced a 14% increase in the value of their imports over the same period in 2009.


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