Friday, February 18, 2011

What Can I Wear A Gold Sequin Mini Sq

About the dead, the crowns

few days ago, the Pan American School of Hospitality, Tourism and Gastronomy (CONPEHT), convened an academic meeting for the purpose of weighing and recognition from the podium of the university, the effort to achieve the recognition of Mexican cuisine and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

The event, held in the auditorium of the Universidad Panamericana, gave quoted some of the most active researchers in the culinary as well as officials of educational institutions that have worked hard in the definition of research and studies that provide major theoretical and documentation on the phenomenon of Mexican cuisine as the expression of intense cultural plurality.

However, few wanted to understand the conduct of this meeting as an appointment or simply speculative free accolades. Indeed, the work of the Conservatory led by Dr. López Morales has been invaluable and essential in this necessary step has given our food. The work of people like Jose Iturriaga, Sol Rubin de la Borbolla and Cristina Palacio, among others, is part of a structure of talent and vision that has managed to position our kitchen, at least in terms of concepts on land and illustrations in an international niche of unquestionable value. However, the time to paint this event we have been celebrating with a special taste to become a true laboratory of ideas, actions, facts and support for traditional cuisine and for the Mexican countryside.

The invitation to the event announcing the presence of the federal head of Tourism, Gloria Guevara. It sounded very nice, but as usual In these cases, the agendas of the officials make other priorities, and in the case of Secretary Guevara was no exception, leading to the presence of lower-level bureaucrats, no doubt with good intentions, but with a lower profile that requires the subject as a tourism product of great importance and priority in the national economy.

Either way the meeting was not lost its essence conciliatory and broadcast channel. CONPEHT made clear through the presentation of Antonio Montecinos, the important structure that have been developed for the study of gastronomy as a scientific product, social and tourism, twinned with various economic factors, emphasis in the area of \u200b\u200bsustainability. According to what we saw in the paper by Montecinos, the Confederation yields data, reflections and case studies that allow to build a major project to define the cuisine as a way to economic recovery in various entities, relying above all on those concepts of social and historical identity that weights the Conservatory as part of the record winner.

conclusions Establishment of the interest of Tourism Ministry to define the Department of Food as a national priority, the development of delicacies such as roads, the urgency to differentiate the offer Tourism in Mexico through its cuisine and the importance of creating a union of all sectors to create a national plan, are points that do not impress all who have been involved in this rescue plan and safeguards already several years.

linings Yet protocol and well-mannered academic, this first official approach leaves many gaps. The need for this matter of food, his rescue and presidential levels scope safeguards as a request is ever more insistent and necessary, and not because a presidential decree to magically change the quasi-marginal condition can mean that job yet, despite all the accolades of UNESCO, similar and related. The reality is that Mexico and its authorities are not seeing even with the necessary clarity the relevance of Mexican cuisine, and everything around it as a culture, society and economy, represent the future of the country.

"About the dead, the crown!", Said Miguel Torruco, CONPEHT president during his speech in the context of experts on the subject, referring to the flight of so many promises, pronouncements and warnings the expectation is already ongoing actions of evident realities. The only problem general action plans presented so far is the lack of real time execution, executing specific start times, evaluation and conclusion.

Is it possible that the food can finally reach the level of priority that should be on the national agenda?


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