Friday, May 13, 2011

Dark Stool But Only When Drinking

An exquisite obsession Who wants a Council?

few days ago we completed the formation of gourmet Journalists Council of Mexico (CPGM) AC. After two years of formal and informal talks with a consistent work in the structuring of common concepts, goals and individual and collective tasks, starts this proposal to strengthen the image, character and value of a journalist who specializes in this area, making a little more obvious its commitments and requirements to himself and to the community, highlighting the responsibilities to himself, in line with that every day we are more professional.

Years ago, my teacher in this kind of journalism, Giorgio De'Angeli, with whom I had the honor of working in News and Gourmet Club, boasted to his fine irony of the "13 readers" who followed his column "The Good Tables." Today there are several journalists union that can boast of thousands of followers daily to his comments on social networks.

Indeed, modern communication has opened unexpected ways that enable wider dissemination of ideas. But in that sense, how many are improvised have been hung in this new transport to be displayed as "food journalists."

Recently a known Mexican chef, also responsible for a major program of
television, made an interesting finding when I mentioned that one of the issues that would play in the next presentation of CPGM, 28 May, in Morelia, was that of "food journalism in the era of the blog. "It is good to address that issue because just as there are very valuable people who have taken advantage of this resource, others without the greater experience and knowledge without further destroy your restaurant in a note. O no shortage of others who are credited bloggers and want to invite them food. I understand that as an owner can have a courtesy and invite them something, but they want the invitation to the extent that write the blog this or that. "

If other areas of journalism ethics have a very well defined, there is no reason or justification for the Gourmet does not have one, talking about the case of Mexico. Indeed, other countries have associations that set standards of conduct and continuing education requirements, from my point of view, end up before anything highly flattering to the members. And if nothing else go to the code of ethics of the International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association, where even things like tips and dress codes are relevant notes from the organization.

The idea, of course, no is to regulate, or restrict, or endorse the work of a journalist, nor belong to an association or worse makes us better writers. And commented on another note, the case of young journalist who became an overnight editor of a new gastronomic section because "a child he liked to cook." Perhaps the same way because I like driving on the road Sunday, I can become a section editor of automobile.

will sound of old men, indeed, but something 25 years ago, there were two or three food column and any reporter who covered the source itself. Sometime in Gourmet Club, a renowned writer today Mexican published an article on the subject of cooking, but I asked to amend the spelling of his name, Johan Peres, instead of John Doe, say, so that was not so obvious who wrote of moles and casseroles. Recently, around the time I saw his picture in one of the signs of Sanborn's, promoting its menu accompanied by a Mexican chef.

Does writing of food? That is not thinking. Age of losers, frustrated journalists. "That's queer thing," he once told an editor, the same way that studying cooking was "queers or Birdbrain," as another. Today

abound Gourmet reporters, and many day to day and are assumed to be critical. The hopping from one source to another are wonderful and suddenly the covering film, television, entertainment, and says that if Mike or Olvera, and that tomorrow will write about New World wines or Bordeaux.

knowledge and professionalism is beyond clubs, associations, clubs, similar and related, but the Mexican food journalism, and therefore the industry and ultimately the consumer, it favors those who are dedicated to this issue give us a area and a time for reflection, building foundations, where it is going to discuss our work and define what are the references that may be valid for the new generation, just as we could have been used for some models De'Angeli and Marcel, to apprehend them, question them, destroy them and finally see again their value in the history of journalism .

No doubt the meeting will be very beneficial in Morelia, to the extent that this Council is not a minority proposal, but primarily seeks to add to the professionals.


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