Friday, March 4, 2011

Hollywood Bowl Middlebrook

Paty, nonstop

"When I went to school, I thought this to be a chef had to do with molecular gastronomy and get on TV. Now I realize that is one of the best ways to learn about the culture of Mexico, to do something for my country, "said a young student of gastronomy with voice stifled, choked, after hearing the experiences of the young chef Chiapas Marta Zepeda, Earth and Sky Restaurant in San Cristobal de las Casas.

As part of his recent visit to the capital of Michoacán, the chef Zepeda gave a talk to students at the College Culinary Morelia to share some of their professional experiences and his work as head of the Earth and Sky family institution that has become the bastion of rescue and dissemination of the traditional flavors of the region, Today is rotated according to contemporary trends and imagination of a young talented, innovative, well proud of their roots.

Maybe San Cristobal de las Casas is not yet part of the tourist destinations of the country's most important culinary, apparently, but when figures such as Enrique Olvera and Mikel Alonso, or as many as the very Michel Bras make a stop at Earth and Sky to test the culinary expressions from the job queue of Marta and traditional cooks, it means that there is a great reason to turn the visit to that town for inclusion in the national culinary agenda.

sensitive There are differences in the history of the flavors of Michoacán and Chiapas, or at least San Cristobal de las Casas. While in the case of Michoacán, and especially its lake region, the Indian cuisine has a fundamental weight in defining the current scheme, the traditional cuisine of Chiapas city refers more to the contributions and events generated by the English and migration subsequent foreign as in the case of France and Germany, among others.

However, the ability to link stories, experiences, flavors and adventures is anchored precisely in those identities. Apart from the statements and declarations, now Morelia and San Cristobal de las Casas have a partnership led by the task of cooking, and headed by Chef Lucero Soto, LU, and Marta Zepeda, Earth and Sky, in addition to the invaluable support Chef Joaquin Bonilla, director of Culinary School of Morelia. Samples

dining in both cities, lectures, tastings, as well as the participation of Marta Zepeda as guest chef at the next Boca Morelia festival in 2011, are part of the activities under this twinning fincado foremost in the interest of creating links in this process of re-understanding of the values \u200b\u200bof regional cuisines.

Beyond deservedly won national awards, Marta's talk to the students, made clear the importance of preparedness and the value of developing personal projects, well defined, for sustainability and momentum local economies. In the case of Marta, the proposed degree in licensure CESSA focused on the recovery of superb property to the definition of boutique hotel with integration a restaurant to give out to all that cultural baggage "Gourmet is not only for their academic training, but mainly by the accumulated knowledge and guarded by the family tradition.


As Martha says, the current definition of Earth and Heaven as a place of regional cuisine and author comes precisely from this reassessment of the origins, customs and family recipes, as well as the assessment strategic local ingredients as part of a personal and collective identity.

That is unthinkable that at a time when the issue of Mexican cuisine is part of the agenda national tourism, and figures like Martha out of her kitchen to spread that local wealth, there are groups that promote the idea of \u200b\u200bending the ancient market in San Cristobal de las Casas, or are aligned in the position to reduce crop landraces in the region, under the banner of "seed corn to sow misery."

You do not need the large national conferences for these twinning partnerships are replica, adding to this, as in this case, strengthening links across academic institutions, and the interference of proactive movements, such as For Slow Food. Words such as those of the young student make clear Morelia that these efforts are well worth it.


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