Thursday, January 27, 2011

Average Price For Day Care 2010 Miami

Two poems of Ana Pérez Cañamares Snapshots


Through the wire
of my mouth
your kisses they taste.
of freedom.

In this city of broken lines

In this city of broken lines
of houses occupied by dust masks
of some famous murderers thieves

not know what to do with the time it becomes

shell container that gets recycled paper
world scares me sometimes can not distinguish friend from foe
and lock myself in my house
a wall of books and incense
bodies and bases
look at the street and threaten the sirens
though I am guilty only of thought and speech

Ana Perez Cañamares was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1968. A degree in Philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Several
their stories have been published in collective works as Please be brief: an anthology of short stories and hiperbreves Lavapiés . He has won awards for poetry and stories (he was a finalist Vertical Smile, within the collective Both Cori) and collaborates regularly in literary journals for writing stories, articles and reviews.
currently offered through the Internet, an introductory workshop on writing.

Poetry Awards Youth Radio, Gloria Fuertes and Golden Pen Courses film analysis and criticism (Film: an introductory course) at Birkbeck College, University of London. Professor of literary workshops (classroom and distance). Editor of teaching literature and proofreader.


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