Saturday, January 29, 2011

Clear Liquid Pre Period

Reflections on women and literature, I will


and again I hear a voice of censure against the literary workshops and circles of women who write. In the workshops we can talk at any time: I want to deal with what today is another of the women who write. I said ladies, I said writers. Let's see.
Dale Spender once asked where they were and who were the mothers of the novel. For gentlemen scholars speak, acute essayists, historians brainy, only parents of the novel. So the novel did not have mothers? Were you born like Athena from Zeus's head, armed and shouting? Or in this case Metis survived? And if so, where are those mothers of the novel? The answer to these questions was a book called Mothers of the Novel published by Routledge & Kegan Paul (Pandora Press) in London in 1986 and would have to read all very carefully to avoid mistakes or miss as little as possible when it comes to women's issues and literature.
In this book not only examines each of the mothers of the novel (novel in English, of course, but Mrs. Spender might be talking about the novel in any language), but shows how sometimes subtle, sometimes vulgar, in which a patriarchal society, a University patriarchal patriarchal publishers have managed to forget a crowd of women. Not a woman. Not two or three. Not a dozen. A huge number of women who wrote, who reported between three twenty-seven novels, horror! earned a living by writing, which deserved rave reviews from his contemporaries, honors, and the explicit recognition of their male colleagues, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.
looking much more modestly and data for a Swiss friend who did his doctoral thesis, I took the trouble to tell the writers listed in the Biographical Dictionary of Women Argentine (Plus Ultra, 1986, 38 edition) Lily Sosa de Newton and found two hundred fifty-one, not counting those already known. Perhaps the work of many of them were unimportant, perhaps it was not worth that they will appear in a literary history of Argentina, in an anthology, in reading books but confess, how many lords inconsequential, leaden, or downright bad are regular in stories, anthologies, readers? How many? Two hundred and fifty of an Argentine writer who knows nothing and that, as in the case of the English language, it is futile to try to find a single book and that that book published, and many some of them.
If two hundred fifty una mujeres escribieron, publicaron y se hicieron conocer como escritoras, debe haber habido muchas más dedicadas a escribir, de las que no sabemos nada, pero nada de nada porque nunca publicaron, porque destruyeron lo que habían escrito (sensatamente en algunos casos; en otros no), porque no se les permitió creer en lo que estaban haciendo. En otras palabras, quisimos y pudimos. Todo un sistema de silenciamiento de la mitad del mundo hizo lo otro. Resultado: para la sociedad patriarcal queda demostrado que las mujeres que escriben/escribieron pasablemente bien, bien, muy bien, son una excepción, una anormalidad; en fin, casi no son mujeres.
Y entonces hablemos de literatura femenina porque que la hay, there is. But before we make the necessary distinctions.
A women's literature, theater, poetry, fiction and whatever comes. That may or may not be literature women's literature. In other words: not all women writing women's literature. Even otherwise, are not always the same texts written by women female texts. Everything depends, not sex, not gender, but the eyes of the writer.
A women's literature written by women or men.
women's literature (without implying entrenched stereotypes or statements) any text that explicitly or implicitly denied to let the social discourse dictates that a woman (all women), who is a woman (all women), as is a woman (all women), who not only refuses to let him pass but rejects , which not only rejects but seeks, where you can and as you can, not to replace another speech and definitely no more, but to try to see what happens. Women's literature is to write all that they needed a way to the black continent (or rather, to the white beach as Christiane Olivier) to discover how to see the world from there and not from here, being from there, let us understand, the silence historical fear of the veiled solitude without a name, the office of Ariadne. second incomplete syndrome. Women's literature is all that it denies, rejects and abhors the cult of the hero, or antihero.
To put it mildly, not easy. But it is not impossible. Neither are the only privileged: a man can do it, a man who wants and is anime, which is even less easy. In fact, some did. The classic example is Flaubert Madame although I Bovarvy execrable me look like a book. And a classic example less and more worthy of love is Gunther Grass The Turbot .
What is easy is to accept obey, say yes and write as Dad taught us to write the good girls and boys good. This is how a pile after pile of writers (increasingly less) continues to write on this side, in some cases very well but without contributing anything to the most fascinating work of rewriting, restructuring, discovery, invention and enrichment is becoming gradually everywhere.
No, of course not, in a sense, literature has no sex, of course not. You do not need to know the riddles. Let's see who guesses, "to this page was written by a woman or a man? "And what do I care? Who cares? It is not that way by which we arrive, if we ever get to a field and a time that we have no word on word to defend what he writes half the world. But in some other sense, yes, the literature has sex. I would say that you have is gender. Trying to deny the gender of a text, try to strip it of its kind, is like trying to strip it of its ideology. No one enters the door literature by genre or by the door of ideology, so close to each other: it comes to literature through the door of the literature, because otherwise what comes out is a pamphlet and not a poem, a drama, a story or a novel. But there is an inscription, a stamp, a tissue conjunctive, a scaffold that holds everything in writing, an underlying ideology, a ubiquitous genus. The look of a male owner of the world, even the most miserable and oppressed, master of the world is very different, is another, is opposed to the look of a woman, hold, sleep, shadow queen is. Ideology and the author / the author almost always agree (sometimes not: Balzac), gender and the author / author can not agree, for what was said before, that a woman can not question, obey, behave well, do not move the place assigned (by others) when he writes, and one man in one of those does.
From the traditional silence, the furtive glance, the historical silence comes out as you can, when fervor to get out. Sometimes you can not, but an attempt is made, who has not done? The heroines of children's stories and counting parameters. Women have released the clamp through the madness, religion, art, holiness, illness, love, surrender or death. Why should they not leave some of the silence by the most direct of the word?
And coming to that group of ladies: I wish all women we write. Those who are touched by the spark of genius, the mediocre, the talented, the stupid, which will never write something good, regularonas, they write better and better, the romanticonas, the shallow, good gals, bad gals, my aunts, Mrs. corner, nurses, matrons packages the fat, the skinny, the ponies, the high, the teachers, the shop selling the Villeras, nuns, prostitutes, models, atomic physics, politics, the beggars, female athletes, the Tacheros, princesses , supermarket cashiers, all. It would be a good way to get to share power.
For women, we are not a class or a race, the women are all sisters and do not know very well yet, have in common:
  • but a marginal fringe of a very special since the marginal tend to leave us be and we have always been born to be, we are, and perhaps we die so;
  • we are most in the world and we are concerned, we live and act as a minority;
  • that we are beings to other beings, we are queens or wandering, virgins or whores;
  • that are spoken from other beings, and
  • powerless.
That a group of these marginal beings, women, unknown to himself themselves, selfless and falsely minority meets to read bad poems sentimental, welcome and keep writing nonsense, is not a danger to anyone, much less. People without power are not dangerous (unless you join and acquire by any means, something that women are far from proposing to do) because they do have to destroy them by all or some of the media range. These groups do not mean nothing, change nothing, not degenerate no, do not confuse anything. They are nothing more than that: women who are alone though they have thousands of friends and large families, women, unemployed because they were educated to be and did not know, could not, did not dare to send everything to the devil build another life.
What they write, not sure but is likely worth nothing. So what. There has always been a high dose of mediocrity in all that humanity is in this world. Or as Mr. Ballard is not one of the loves of my life but it has its flashes, when he criticized that 90% of science fiction was a waste: "90% of everything is garbage."
These are not groups that made the world ruled (if so) that poetry is something women. It is, again, the social discourse. Everything that happens to occupy a secondary place or thing is automatically discredited women. Religion, teaching, poetry were central to his time: the lords and owners moved in those circles and burned at the stake for women seeking a place in these activities. As the center moves to another kind of discipline, the place is vacant to be occupied by women who already know are silly, superficial, intuitive, crying, that we have nothing to do. We are dedicated to charity, the tea basket, to beg for money to our husbands, watching soap operas and fashion shows (let's ask the women of the villages). It finds, there, away from us, which are those activities that we "are", then reprochárnoslas like crime or misdemeanor we are born. These things are changing, yes, it was worse in the days of my mom and say nothing in my grandmothers, but which remain valid in certain classes and "inside", where they are more rigid boundaries between what that women should and should not do.
must then acquire a critical consciousness, we must learn to doubt, question, say no. We must learn that you can always go one step further, find out what lies beneath or beside or behind. Good women who gather to drink tea and read poems that speak of the solitude of their troubled souls, not our enemy, are not so different from us, are those of our sisters who stayed in the middle of the road. Wanted, actually, and could not, unfortunately. The beat marked a society that limits and behaviors and they were unable to disobey, to doubt, say no: they believe and attacked the blind and now they have nothing left. Perhaps your home is a harpy, perhaps torment the husband, bullied children, daughters-hate, mistreat the girl for hours, bad-mouth of friends with other friends. What the torture? What did they be? "Entrepreneurs, lawyers, chorus girls, paratroopers, Formula One driver, deputies, tour guides, set designers? Did they even suspect wanted be something other than that they were told that they should be? If they could try something different, some have failed, what doubt?, Some have been successful in half, some would have become the first in his own. Now go once a week for tea and reading nonsense. No, not interested in literature, rigor, hard work, search, why would interest them? They want to know that there are others that same thing happened to them: come together to read poems that grieved is a way of life.
Neither they nor the poetry of sentimental verse circumstances and have the power to change anything, to impose anything, not to make anyone believe that what they do is good literature, not to occupy the space that corresponds to a text with aesthetic stature. If at any time an officer and made him a teeny tiny little place and one of those poems, that does not change anything, if at another time a jury awarded a freak friends full of emotional outpourings or patriotic, nor anything important happens. Let's stay calm.
Or maybe not, not to remain quiet. Let's keep writing, but above all let us make the necessary efforts to avoid mistakes, to try to see what is really behind what we feel corny or stupid, to step further, to take over the world that look different than us towards what we are and not what we were told that we are.


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