One evening Aunt Rose looked at her sister as a freshly polished, still bright for some reason she did not
could imagine. For hours, heard every word of it trying to guess where they came from. Do not guess.
only knew that the night his sister was less abrupt with her. He behaved as if finally forgive him his vocation prayers and stews, as if not to laugh never his unredeemed singleness of his folly catechetical, its boring devotion to the Virgin del Carmen.
So he went to sleep in peace after repeating the rosary and dunking cookies in milk chocolate butter.
Who knows what her first sleep that night. If someone had seen, plump and smiling in her nightgown, I would have compared to a child under five years. However, the curly head of Aunt Rosa came in a dream that night suspected.
dreamed that his sister was going to a costume ball, coming out quietly and came back in the middle of a fuss. It was the breath of a parade of men who laughed with her, without further task that accompany the joy that rolled around the body. The very happy he took off and put on a mask of those they do in Venice, one of many rights colors with the moon on the tip of the head and mouth delusional. Suddenly began to dance in front of Aunt Rosa, who sat in the principal chair in the room, stopped eating cookies. Such was the wonder that had entered his home. His sister lifted her legs to dance the cancan to 1os other humming, but instead of lace panties and the cancaneras, she wore a tiny skirt up pleased with her legs showing her pubic hard and moved. Because the site that is the pubis, she had painted decoration of yellow leaves, green, purple, throbbing as if in the center of the world. And on top of a leg, bri liant foam, was the lock of her pubic hair: traveler and free as everything in it.
The next day, Aunt Rose looked at his sister as if seeing it for the first time.
"I think I'm getting," he said.
"Amen," replied the sister, bringing her bright face, to kiss the women that give love because they no longer fit under clothing.
"Amen," said Rosa, and began to skip his own dream.
Angeles Mastretta
Story taken from Women with Big Eyes Ed. Seix Barral
In 1974, Mastretta was awarded a scholarship from the Mexican Center of Writers that allowed him to participate in a workshop alongside literary writers like Juan Rulfo and Salvador Elizondo. At that time, published a collection of poetry was titled "The slut paints" .
After several years as director of Cultural Diffusion-Acatlán ENEP and University Museum Poplar , respectively, the Mexican writer participated, along with Germain Dehesa, a program television interviews and talks known as "The Pillow" . Throughout his career, Angeles was also on the Editorial Board "NEXUS" , another of the publications had its literary column.
"Tear This Heart" was his first novel, besides being translated into Italian, English, German, French and Dutch, was recognized in 1985 as Best Book of the Year with Mazatlán Prize for Literature . Years later, in 1997, his second novel (and fourth book), "Mal de amores" , won the Rómulo Gallegos Prize .
"Women with Big Eyes" , "free port" , "The enlightened world" , "No eternity like mine" and "Heaven of lions" are other works of Ángeles Mastretta .
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