Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cartoon Maxine Healthcare

Way to Play

Benedicta Alejo says, one of the masterpieces of the traditional cuisine of Michoacán, one of the greatest satisfactions has given her culinary work has been the opportunity to visit her son in the U.S., after several years of separation. Indeed, the day that Benedict made his way to teach a cooking class at The Culinary Institute of America in San Antonio, he opened a new panorama of experiences and satisfactions that until then had not envisioned.

Benedicta, as few other women Michoacán, have discovered that the kitchen, your kitchen is not only a treasure worthy of being saved ancestral stored as photographs, letters, and memories are kept. Is via fullness and a very honest way of living, with dignity and with the conviction that the traditional cooks work is a job worth and worth much, it must be recognized and rewarded with the rank it deserves.

Examples like Benedicta and reunion with his son, or in revaluation Purépecha women are making implements like the metate, as an indispensable element in the new platform that culinary tourism poses to states like Michoacán give a very fair of which involves the assessment and recovery of traditional Mexican cuisine, and not merely as a media effect, but as a genuine claim to a philosophy and a way of life.

has been very exciting in the tribute were Juanita Bravo Veracruz and Benedict Lazaro Alejo Vargas, cooks traditional Purépecha Plateau, and is also recognized as "Master Teacher of Mexican cuisine" during the last day of Veracruz Food Festival Vanilla.

Event organizers recognized them all Michoacan traditional cooks who were able to enroll their contribution to the traditional cuisine of Mexico in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in November.
The distinction Food Festival presented the Veracruz Vanilla was driven by the Conservatory of Mexican Food Culture, Chef Jose Burela, organizer of the Festival, culinary activists and representatives of the Tourism Ministry Michoacán.

In parallel, the small business community Purépecha women of Santa Fe de la Laguna, were recognized by members of civil society and government of Michoacan, highlighting the work of 11 entrepreneurs in Santa Fe currently available to the public hosting services to small hotels, work with artisans in workshops of coexistence and cuisine rooted in traditional kitchens Purépecha. Living with

Purépecha people, learn the traditional style of life in the village experience contact with the mud on the job with a local craftsman, eat traditional food with Hispanic roots, sleeping in an old building with the comforts of today, finally, meet Michoacán "inside", is now a reality in the indigenous community of Santa Fe de la Laguna, from this network of community enterprises Tourist coexistence.

These two traditional kitchens, five workshops of potters and coexistence with traditional four hostels operated by women of the guild members to the Civil Society "Ateshiru."
The scheme aims to recover part of the hosting system that offered in Don Basque time Quiroga Santa Fe families to travelers attending the Hospital, to the parties of the community or commercial activities.

Surveys conducted both in Veracruz and Santa Fe de la Laguna speak of a new sensibility in the reading of Mexican cuisine, but the inherent message is more than clear and convincing: those diplomas, certificates and applause must add actions very specific to this heritage is also a decent lifestyle, sustainable, traditional cooks for Mexico.


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