Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Month Old Baby With Flem

The party in the garden, Katherine Mansfield

And, after all, the weather was ideal. If they had custom
not another day would have been perfect for the garden party. No wind,
warm, the sky without a cloud. As happens at the beginning of summer, a haze of pale gold
watched, just blue. The gardener had been up since dawn, mowing the lawn and
sweeping up the grass and roses
flat and dark where they had been the margaritas seemed to shine. As for the
roses, there was no denying that they understood that roses are the only flowers that impress
people at a party in the garden, the only flowers that all interested
. Hundreds and hundreds. literally
had opened in the night, the green bushes were bent as if it were for
visited archangels.

had not finished lunch when the men came to lift the

- Mom, where to put the marquee?

"My dear child, it is useless to ask. I decided that this year, girls
take care of everything. Forget that I am the mother. Treat me as a guest of honor

But Meg could not watch the men. Before lunch was washed the
head, and sat drinking coffee, wearing a green turban, with a dark wet curl
stuck on each cheek. Jose, the butterfly, I used to go down with
only a green sheen over his kimono.

"You have to go, Laura, you who are artistic.

There was Laura, with her bread and butter on hand. It's so delicious
find an excuse to eat out, and also loved to fix things;
found he could make them both better than anyone else.

Four men in shirt sleeves were together in a garden path. They had stakes
covered with rolls of cloth, and large toolboxes to
back. Were impressive. Laura would have liked not to have that piece of bread and butter
in hand, but neither had to put it, or it could swallow whole
. She blushed and tried to look very serious and a little short sighted
when he approached them.

"Good morning" he said, imitating the voice of his mother.

But it turned out so horribly concerned that he was ashamed, and stammered like a little girl

- Oh, you come ...! Is it by the Marquee?

"Yes, ma'am," replied the highest of all, a skinny guy, freckled, switching sides
your toolbox, throwing back his straw hat and smiling

"It's for that.

His smile was so spontaneous, so friendly, that Laura said. What beautiful eyes
had! Small, but a blue so dark! Others looked
also smiling. Seemed to say: Cheer up, we're not going to eat! What workers
so cute! And what a beautiful morning! But he did not mention the morning
should be a business person: the marquee.

"Well, what do you think that solid lilacs? Will it serve? He pointed

massif lilac hand had no bread and butter. It
turned and looked. One of them, short and fat, he pulled his lower lip, and the highest

I do not like, "he said. It is quite important. Know, being a marquee
-and turned to Laura, you have to put in a place where
take a hit in the eye, so to speak.

Laura was left wondering if there was a lack of respect in a worker
talk of a coup in the eye. But he understood very well.

-A corner of the tennis court, "he suggested. But the band is on another corner

-Hum, are you going to have a band? Asked another of the workers. Was a pale.
had a fierce look, while her dark eyes measured the tennis court.
What would you think?

- Only a small band, "said Laura gently.

If the band was small, it may not seem wrong. But the tall man interrupted

"Look, lady, this is the place. Along with those trees. Up there. There
be fine. Alongside

Karak. Karakas would thus hidden. And they were so beautiful, with its broad leaves
flashing, and yellow clusters.
trees were like a desert island, proud, solitary, lifting their leaves and
sun fruit in a kind of quiet splendor. Should I hide the marquee?

And hide. And the men had loaded the poles and were fixing
the site. Only the high left behind. He bent down, pulled a stick of lavender,
She took her thumb and forefinger to his nose and inhaled the perfume. When Laura saw
gesture, forgot the Karakas, in his astonishment that the man she liked one thing
well, he liked the scent of lavender. How many men whom she knew
had done such a thing? Oh, how nice are the workers! Why could not have friends
workers instead of the stupid boys who danced with
and coming to dinner on Sunday? Be understood so much better with men. They

fault, decided at the time that the tall man
drew something in the back of an envelope, which should be lifted or being hung-
these absurd class distinctions. Well, for her part, she did not feel. In most
least not an atom ... And now comes the tap-tap of hammers. One of the men whistled
, another sang, "You okay there, buddy?" Comrade! The
companionship, ... the ... To test how happy he was and show people how comfortable high
felt, and how much he despised stupid conventions,
Laura gave a big bite of his bread and butter, while watching the cartoon.
It felt like a small working.

- Laura, Laura! Where are you? The phone, Laura! Cried a voice from the

- Coming! "And he ran on the grass, down the path, climbed the stairs
crossed the terrace and came to the porch. In the hallway, his father Lorenzo
were brushing their hats ready to go to the office.

"Look, Laura," said Lorenzo with a hurry, you could check my dress for later. Look
if you do not need a belly flop.

- yes!

suddenly could not stop. Lorenzo ran into and gave him a slap.

- Oh! I love the holidays, do you? "Murmured Laura.

"Pretty," said Lorenzo with his warm voice of a boy and pinched his sister
giving it a shove. Quick, phone, dear.

Phone. Yes, yes, oh yes! "Kitty? Good morning, dear. Are you coming to lunch?
Yes, dear. Encantada. Will be a light meal: the remains of sandwiches and
meringues and some other thingy. Yes, God is not a day? Is white? Oh, surely
! One moment, have the tube. Call me. "And Laura sat back. What,
mom? I can not hear.

The Mrs. Sheridan's voice floated down the stairs.

"Tell him to bring this delightful hat he used on Sunday.

Mother says you wear that hat you wore on Sunday delicious. Well. At one
. Goodbye. Laura

hung up, raised his arms over his head, made a
deep breath, stretch and dropped. Ugh, sighed, and then it sat
. She stood still, listening. All doors of the house seemed
open. The house was alive with incessant rapid footsteps and voices.

green baize door that led into the kitchen opened and closed with a dull murmur
. Now he was a sound absurd, chuckling. The piano was so heavy
stiff dragged on its wheels. And what air! If you stop to think
will the air always like this? Soft breezes chased out and up there in
windows. And there were two sun-faded, one in the pipeline, another in a silver frame
, playing well. Delicious wilted, especially
cie ink cap. It was almost hot. A warm silver star. Felt like
kiss her.

rang the doorbell and heard crackling Sadie print dress by
ladder. A man's voice murmured, Sadie said, without interest:

"I tell you do not know. Wait. I will ask Mrs.

- What's up, Sadie? Laura asked, entering the hall.

"It's the florist, miss.

And there it was. At the door wide open, had a tray full of pots
beach with pink lilies. Nothing more. Nothing but lilies, irises, lilies
large pink flowers, very open, bright, terribly alive
on their shiny red stems.

- Ooh, Sadie! "Said Laura as a whimper. He bent down to warm in the glow of lilies
, the felt in his fingers to his lips, growing in
his chest.

-Must be a mistake, "he said softly. Not many have asked.
Sadie, go and find my mom.

At that moment Mrs. Sheridan arrived.

"Okay," he said quietly. Yes, I ordered them. Are not they divine?

pressed Laura's arm.

-spent by the florist yesterday, and saw in the window. And suddenly it occurred to me
once in life would all like lilies. The party at
garden was a good excuse.

"But I heard you say that you would not intervene.

Sadie had gone. Man of Flowers returned to the truck, Laura
surrounded the neck of his mother with one arm and slowly, very slowly, bit his ear.

-vidita, you do not want to have a mother logical, right?

"Do not do that. Here is the man. He brought even more

lilies, another tray full.

-Dispose near the entrance, please, to the sides of the porch, "said Mrs.
. Do not you think, Laura?

"Oh, yeah, Mom.

In the classroom, Meg, Jose and little Hans had succeeded, at last, change the site

"Now, if we put this chest against the wall and take everything but
chairs, is not it?


-Hans, take those tables the smoking room, and come to sweep to remove these marks
carpet y. .. one moment, Hans ...

José likes to give orders to the servants, and they liked to obey.
I did think that taking part in a drama.

"Tell mother and Miss Laura to come soon.

"Very good, Miss Jose.

turned to Meg. "I

see how the piano sounds, if someone asks me to sing this afternoon.
Let's try: "This life is sad."

Pom. Ta-ta-ta! The piano rang out with such fury that Jose changed color.
clasped hands. They felt sad and puzzling to his mother and Laura as they entered.

This life is tris-te,

A tear ...

A sigh. cam-bia love

This life is tris-te

A tear ...
A love that cam-bia,

And then ... Bye

But the word "goodbye", and although the piano was more desperate than ever, his face lit
with a bright smile, terribly unpleasant.

- Am I on vocals, Mommy? She smiled.

This life is tris-te,

The hope comes to die.

A dream ... an awakening.

But Sadie interrupted the song:

- What's up, Sadie?

"Please, lady, the cook asked if the lady has those cards

- cards for the sandwiches, Sadie? "Echoed Mrs. Sheridan
almost absent. The daughters

realized that it did not.

"Let's see," he said to Sadie firmly, tell the cook
that take ten minutes. Sadie


"Well, Laura," said the mother quickly, "come with me to the smoking room.
I have the names out there, written on the back of an envelope. You'll have to copy them. Meg,
up and then take off the wet rag head. Jose, runs
dress on the spot. Girls do you hear me, or I shall tell your father when you return home tonight
? Y. .. and Jose, if you go to the kitchen is calm the
cook, will you? I was terrified this morning.

the end, was found behind the clock on the dining room, although Mrs.
Sheridan did not realize how he got there.

"One of you must have taken from my wallet, because I remember perfectly
... cheese and lemon curd. Did you write that?


-egg y. .. "Mrs. Sheridan reached out and pulled the envelope. It seems
mouse, but can not be, right?

-Olives, darling, "Laura said, reading over his shoulder.

"Of course, olives. What a terrible combination: eggs and olives!

finally ended, and Laura took them to the kitchen. There she met Jose
calming the cook, who seemed terrifying.

I've never seen such exquisite sandwiches, "said Jose, ecstatic voice.
How many kinds are there? "Fifteen?

"Fifteen, Miss Jose.

"Well, congratulations.

The cook away crusts of bread slicers, and smiled with satisfaction.

-house have been announced Godber, Sadie, out of the pantry, I saw
man from the window.

That meant that they had reached the cream cakes.

Godber was famous for its cream cakes. Nobody thought to make them at home

-Bring and put on the table ordered the cook.

Sadie brought them and returned to the door. Of course Laura and Jose were too
Big Ones to deal with these things. However, they could not deny that
were very good. A lot. The cook began to fix them, shaking them
excess sugar.

- Do not you bring a memory of all events past? "Said Laura.

"I guess so," said practical Jose, who did not like to remember.
seem light and feathery, admittedly.

"Take one each, dear," said the cook in a gentle voice.
Mom will not mind.

"Impossible, cream cakes so following lunch!, The very idea makes

But two minutes later Jose and Laura were licking their fingers with that absorbed air
it only gives the Chantilly cream.

"Let's go to the garden by the back way," suggested Laura. I want to see how they
men with the marquee. They are so cute!

But the back door was blocked by cook, Sadie, Godber
man and Hans.

Something happened.

-Tac-tac-tac-clucked like a chicken the cook scared.
Sadie had a hand clutching his face as if they hurt the teeth. Hans's face was puckered
in an effort to understand. Only Godber dependent
seemed happy. It was he who had the thing.

- What, what happened?

"A horrible accident," said the cook, a man died.

- one dead! Where, when?

dependent Godber But would not lose his account. - You know, Miss,
those houses down there? Do you know? "Of course, she knew them. Well, there lives a boy
road, called Scott. His horse shied
this morning from a truck, and threw him headfirst into the corner of Hawke Street. Killed him.

- Dead! , And Laura looked at the man in amazement.

"I was dead when I got up," the man with relish.
carried the body to the house when I came.

And to the cook: "Let

a woman and five children.

-Jose, come here.

sister Laura took her by the arm and led her through the kitchen
across the green baize door. He leaned against it.

-Jose, "said horrified are we going to suspend the preparations?

- Sleep, Laura! Jose shouted shocked. What do you mean? Suspend

garden party, of course. What did Jose? But Jose was
increasingly amazed. "Suspend the party?

"My dear Laura, do not be mad. We can not do anything about it. No one expects such a thing
. Do not be extravagant.

"But we can not hold a garden party with a dead
front of our door.

say that was really exaggerated, because the houses were in a separate
field at the bottom of a steep hill leading to the house. There was a wide street
involved. It is true that they were too close. They were a real eyesore
and had no right to be in that neighborhood.
houses were small petty, painted a chocolate color. In the garden patches
not had more than cabbage, chicken flacas y latas de tomate. Hasta el humo que
salía de las chimenas era miserable. Hilachas y fragmentos de humo, tan distinto
de los grandes penachos de plata que se elevaban de las chimeneas de los
Sheridan. Vivían lavanderas y barrenderos, y un remendón, y un hombre que tenía
todo el frente de la casa con jaulitas de pájaros. Los chicos hormigueaban.
Cuando los Sheridan eran pequeños les estaba prohibido acercarse, por el
lenguaje que usaban los pobres y las enfermedades que podían contagiarles. Pero
desde que eran grandes Laura y Jose en sus andanzas solían meterse por ahí. Era
sórdido y asqueroso. Salían estremecidas. Pero se debe ir a todas partes; uno
should see everything. So they went.

"I'm thinking what will be the band's music for that poor woman," said Laura

- Oh, Laura!

Jose began to get serious.

"If you go to delete the music whenever an accident happens, you will take
a miserable life. I'm so sorry you horn. I understand like you.

His eyes hardened and his sister looked like he looked when I was little
and had a fight.

"You will not resurrect a sentimental drunk," he said softly.

- Drunk! Who said he was drunk? Laura

became furious to Jose. He said precisely what
used to say on such occasions: "I'm going to tell mom, now."

"Look, dear," said Jose with a lullaby.

"Mom, I can enter? Laura

spun glass doorknob.

"Of course, dear. But what happens? What made you get so red?

And Mrs. Sheridan turned back in her dressing table.
was testing a new hat.

"Mama, a man is dead," began Laura.

- But not in the garden? "Interrupted the mother.

- No, no!

- Ah, What scared me!

Mrs Sheridan gave a sigh of relief, took off his great hat and placed it on his knees

"But listen, mother," said Laura.

Breathless, half drowned, told the terrible story.

"Of course we can not celebrate our holiday, right? "He pleaded.
music and people. We're going to hear, Mom, are nearby, neighbors!

With Laura's astonishment her mother behaved like Jose, and it was worse because the idea seemed to amuse
. He refused to take Laura seriously.

"But, my dear, you have to have common sense. Only
we happen to know. If someone had died there of natural causes and not know how they are
live in those dark holes, we would like our party, right?

Laura had to say yes, but realized it was not fair.
sat on the sofa and began to tug the fringe of the cushions.

"Mom, is not a lack of heart on our part? He asked.

- vidita! Mrs. Sheridan

approached him, carrying his hat. Before Laura could help
planted it on the head.

- My daughter! "Said the mother, the hat is yours. I sent do for you.
ago too young for me. I've never seen more beautiful. Look! And
raised his hand mirror.

"But, Mom," repeated Laura. No one could look, was put aside.

But Mrs. Sheridan lost patience just as Jose.

-Laura, you're getting absurd, "he said coldly. People of that class does not expect us
no sacrifice. And it's not altruism aguarnos the party, as
you're doing.

I do not understand, "said Laura, and went out of the room rushed to lock in his

There, by chance, the first thing he saw was a lovely girl in the mirror
, with his black hat trimmed with gold daisies, and a long black velvet
ink. He never imagined it could be as well. Would
right mom? Now he wanted mom was right. Is it exaggerated?
may be madness. Just for a moment was the sight of that poor woman and
these poor creatures, and the body leading to the house. But it seemed
blur, unreal, like a photograph in the newspaper. I remember back
after the party. By all accounts it seemed the best ...

finishing lunch at one and a half. At two and a half everything was in order of battle
. Musicians with green jackets and
were placed in a corner of the tennis court.

- Dear! Shrieked Kitty Maitland, "do not you think green frogs? The should have
placed around the pond and the director, in a sheet, in the center.

Lorenzo arrived and greeted the move to get dressed. On seeing Laura again
think about the accident. I wanted to tell him. If Lorenzo
agreed with others then they are right. And he went into the hall.

- Lorenzo!

- Hello!

was in the middle of the stairs, but when he turned and saw Laura,
inflated cheeks and rolled her eyes.

- Word of honor, Laura! You are maddening. What most elegant hat!

Laura said softly:

- You think? ... "She smiled, and did not tell anything.

Soon after people began arriving in droves. The band began to play, the
servants ran from the house added to the marquee. Wherever one looked
couples were walking, bending over the flowers, greeting,
walking across the lawn. Seemed bright birds that had perched on the garden
the Sheridan for an evening on your flight to where? Ah, what happiness is being with people
happy, shaking hands, press cheeks, smile into the eyes

- Laura, dear, how good you are!

- How well are you doing that hat, child!

-look like a English. I've never seen more admirable.

And Laura, glowing, gently asked: "Have you been served tea?
Do not want an ice cream? Fruit ice creams are special." He ran to where he was his father and
pleaded, "Daddy dear, are you a drink served to the band?"

And the perfect evening culminated slowly, slowly faded, closed its petals slowly

"There was never more delicious feast ..." "A great success ..." "The greatest ..."

Laura helped her mother in the layoffs. Were next to each other
until everything is finished.

"It's over, it's over, thank heaven," said Mrs. Sheridan. Call the
others. Take coffee. I am undone. Yes, a great success. But, ah, these
parties, these parties! Why insist, daughters, to give parties?

They sat in the deserted marquee.

"Take a sandwich, daddy. I wrote name.

Thanks. Mr. Sheridan

ate a snack. He took another.

- I suppose you will not have known anything about the horrible accident today? "He said.

"Darling," said Mrs. Sheridan, holding up his hand, already knew that.
We almost spoiled the party. Laura wanted to suspend it.

- Oh, Mama! "Laura did not want the hassle with that.

- Ah, yes, horrible! "Said Mrs. Sheridan," The man was married, lived in the lane
below, and let, say, a woman and half a dozen Chiquilines

awkward silence ensued. Mrs. I did not know what to do with the cup.
was a lack of tact by Dad ...

suddenly looked up. There was the table full of sandwiches and pastries and cupcakes
should be discarded. Was then one of his great ideas.

"I know," he said. We will prepare a basket. We will send an
that poor little of these things so rich. At least, it will be a party for the kids. Do not
you think? And also be glad to have neighbors who visit. Lucky
they are ready! Laura!

be jumped.

"Bring the basket big cupboard on the ladder.

"But Mom, do you think really it's a good idea? "Said Laura.

And again how strange it seemed to feel unlike any other! Bring leftover
party. Would you like that the poor woman?

"Sure, what's happening today? An hour or two ago he insisted on showing sympathy and
now ...

- Oh, good!

Laura ran with the basket. The filled, Mrs. Sheridan left filled.

"Take yourself, darling, run, just as you are. No, wait, takes about
lilies. At that people like lilies.

-The stems will spoil the suit said the practice Jose.

"True, very timely. Then only basket. But Laura, the mother
followed up outside the marquee, in any way ...

- What, Mom?

No, better not put such ideas in the creature's head.

"Nothing, go soon.

getting dark when Laura locked the gate. A big dog
ran like a ghost. The road gleamed white and houses were down there in
darkness. What it all seemed quiet after the evening!
costs was down to a spot where lay the dead, and could not believe it. How could
power? Stopped one minute. It seemed in him kisses, voices, tinkling spoons
of laughter, the smell of crushed grass. I could not think of anything
. How strange! Looked at the pale sky and the only thing he could think was: "Yes, it has been a success
the party."

came to a crossroads where the street began,
dark and full of smoke. Women in shawls and men in caps passing through there, on the other men had
leaning fences, kids playing in the street
doors. A faint rustle was heard in the miserable huts. In some
fluctuate tub looked light and shadow move as a puppets, in the windows.
Laura bowed her head and quickened his pace.

I should have to wear a coat. What was striking his suit! And the great
hat with ribbons hanging - if at least take another hat! Will be looking
? Sure. It was a mistake to come, she knew it was a mistake
. Would not it be better to return?

No, too late. Here was the house. Should be that. In front was a group of people
dark. Next door an old woman with a crutch sat, looking
. Feet resting on a newspaper. As he approached Laura,
voices ceased. It opened the group. It was as if wait, as if they knew there was going to

Laura was nervous. Looking velvet ribbon on the shoulder
asked one of the women stand there:

- Is this the home of Mrs. Scott?

And the woman, smiling in a strange way:

"Here is Miss.

Oh, get out of this! He repeated: "Help me, God", as he climbed the narrow sidewalk and called
. Unable to stay away from the looks or covered with any of
these shawls. The basket and let me leave. I will not wait for the vacant.

opened the door. A young woman in black appeared in the shade.

Laura asked: "Are you Mrs. Scott?" But with his great horror, she did not answer
"Among please Miss," and found herself locked in the hallway.

"No, no need to go, just wanted to leave this basket. Mom sends ...

Women dark hallway seemed not to hear. "Over here, if you like, miss," said
oily voice, and Laura followed.

- Hum! "Said the little woman. Hmm ... is a lady. He turned to Laura.
said humbly: "I am the sister. Discúlpela, miss."

- Oh, of course! Said Laura. Please, please do not bother. I ...
I just wanted to let ...

But now the woman standing next to fire back.
his face swollen, red, swollen eyes and lips, it was horrible.
seemed not to understand why Laura was there. What did it mean? Why is this unknown
was in the kitchen with a basket? What did that mean? And the poor face puckered

"Okay, dear," said another. I will attend to the lady. "And once again began
:" Discúlpela, Miss, and his face swollen too, tried an oily smile
thought only to leave, to go. He returned to the hall.
opened the door. He entered the bedroom where he lay dead.

- Do not want to see? Said Em's sister, Laura and pushed toward the bed.
not be afraid, ma'am, "and his voice was tender, sensitive, and tenderly
down the sheet, looks like a painting. Not much to see. Come, dear. Laura


There was a young man sleeping soundly asleep-so-far, far away from
two. Oh, so remote, so peaceful! I was dreaming. Do not ever wake up.
His head was buried in the pillow, his eyes closed
were blind under the closed eyelids. He was absorbed in his sleep. What did he care of the parties
gardens, baskets and lace? I was already away from those things
. It was amazing, beautiful. While they laughed and the band played, the miracle had happened
in the lane. Happy ... Happy ... "Everything's fine," said
sleeping face. "It is what it should be. I'm happy."

But still, did mourn, and could not leave the room without saying anything. Laura
sobbed like a child. "Forgive my hat," he said.

And this time did not wait for Em's sister. He found the way out. Passed by
between the obscure group of people, sidewalk below. Doubling the alley found

emerged from the shadows.

- Is that you, Laura?


"Mom was worried. Was everything all right?

- Yes, Lorenzo! He took his arm, pressed against him.

- But, you're not crying, right? Asked the brother.

Laura shook her head. I was crying.

Lorenzo put his arm around the neck.

"Do not cry," she said with her voice warm and affectionate. Was it horrible?

"No," sobbed Laura. It was wonderful.

He stopped, looked at his brother.

"But that is not life," he stammered, "is not life.

could not explain what life was like. No matter. He understood.

- Is not that what, darling? "Said Lorenzo.

Katherine Mansfield
(New Zealand, 1888 - France, 1923)


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