Friday, April 29, 2011

Skin Rash Growing Beard

Stories, Martha Claudia Goldin


The sun falls itchy and burning asphalt.
Her gaze stops on the loose tile, crosses the lonely road, the branches of trees, their tops silky. Dizzy sucks air as your skin recognizes. My city says. And smile. Liliana
and Cristina come to me. We have nine years and a lot of work.
I accommodate my school bag on his shoulder, I say go with you. Look at me astonished, they think, oh, that suddenly grew up, I'm not who I am, this little girl with tears, the tears stop falling because my friends do not recognize me, still jumping rope, while I, stunned, Return to the door of my house, looking back the latch, so I press, I'm back in the unusual coolness of the hallway, the smell of jasmine fills me, the whole house is a jasmine that I received, and I throw myself into the arms of Mom, come my baby what's wrong? and I tell you, explain everything, but I'm the blonde baby girl a year and I just babble, and Mom takes me out of the cradle and pressed me against his chest while on the plane at Ezeiza, with my two children's hands after nine years in exile. I look at my city.
The sun falls sheer and asphalt burns. ___________________________________________________

Acevedo Street

It happened every time they skirted the Botanical. As if the brutal force pushing Acevedo walked into the street, looking with some difficulty the door and stood watching. Utime noticed this more often while drinking coffee at the bar Malabia. They asked him what happened. He jokingly commented that I saw happen with the baby in arms and child on a tricycle. Was a sad joke and felt like her voice broke. It was also true that more and more on those streets had the feeling of having just returned, as if the intervening years, the return from exile, will fade, and every new start.
No wonder the 70's was that of terror and the difficult return to mid 80's. That was not what she missed, no. But something happened. That morning, as usual, crossed the avenue. The sunshine of spring and the sky so blue. He felt almost happy. Thought it was good to approach the door, that nostalgia is always dangerous. Time flew. Let it go, he said. She stood near the entrance a long time. Behind the door he saw the moving back and forth and very young woman. He wore jeans and long hair. The baby slept. Beside the three year old son on a tricycle with a napkin in blue and white boxes tied to the handle. There goes the delicious apple is so fond thought. Looked away. Approach. For a moment he thought it would be best. Approaching, merging into a hug and pet. Followed. Passed them.
The mother took a bag of the net and bucket paddle, the ball of colored plastic and left to reach the boy and his friends approached. Gently cradling the baby.
not even look at me, I see. All this is mine, what grabbed me and I come back. l974. In a desperate I approached her. I hugged her, hugged her hard. Almost like a daughter.
We expect challenging times, I thought, very difficult. ____________________________________________________

The next room - Los Angeles

My room is 307. Very comfortable, has a balcony from which I can see the Pacific. In the 308 lives a woman who screams in a shrill voice and alguien.Todas fight night he heard the shots. She leaves and returns immediately. Kick the door with force.
-Open-cry-open, fuckyou. Someone
open and everything starts again. Sometimes they talk, they laugh. The voice of another man, thick and caressing. In the morning silence, as if in 308 the night had passed peacefully. Strange silence that reorders all when it begins to dawn and the first shadows waiting quietly. I tried in vain to know who is the male voice of the night.
lives alone, "says Ceci, the English used the hotel, which takes the opportunity to speak ill of the gringa .- take drugs, it takes a lot and when you bathe the room filled with talc. Just send him, living here for months. If not let it sleep, call the police,
I hate bright black eyes and brown skinned Latin girl.
And he goes, is to be her, dragging her cart down the hall linen.
I have offered to change rooms but I feel a slight fatigue, as if a force stopped me. However the noise of the 308 will feel tonight and it is. I begin to hear the soft, deep voice, laughter, shouts, the door is hit. Open
shouts of the 308 - Support
my ear against the thin wall, again opens the door,
- fuckyou-fackyou yells.
Again silence. I hope dawns early and go to your cart Ceci for clean rooms. -Ceci-
complain to see her attempt another sleepless night.
- Andele-Ceci smiles showing his white teeth, because two days ago that the room is empty. ____________________________________________________

The other street

"amid the roar of the fires

salt was walking among the stones" I

I'd find that street, I thought. The leaves of the trees were shaking like drops sometimes. Sometimes drops were running down her eyes. I'd find that street, I thought. And they were not just drops. Lightning and ran down his face because the street was she was looking away. It was not space but time and time contaminated.
I would find that street, I thought.

scent of jasmine and flooded everything.
time or space in which she was stripped of questions and found in the village, children ran at his side, playing with the little black dog.
Suddenly the street is lost. Children and dog flee through the air in Lima, blending with the scent of bougainvillea, still playing and laughing without it is also lost in space and time.
The old pavement of the city. And laughter are so remote, the honking and smells the sudden return to this side because it has lost the street, kids will be looking for and she does not know how to return.
If you close your eyes you may find that road again. Feel the gentle heat of the city that knows no wind, the leaves do not move here and jump back children and dog, she goes with their baguette under his arm, is young enough to feel beautiful on the street that smells like bougainvillea.
Hear the bells of the church Santa Maria, must come home because the oval is as close to Gutierrez, only through the side of the Huaca Juliana or go straight. Again, children and the dog away, she looks desperate directed to be heard barking and away, farther and farther away the barking, the laughter of children.
know you can not with the forces of time and space, which inexorably back to this one street where there are no children or dog or Huaca Juliana or baguette or bells. Only
horns in the big city where the dead roam free speech and the Mothers "are crazy "and temples are safeguarded with cement blocks and the voices of children, the barking dog, are in another street.


I'd find that street, I thought.
The wind began to shake all the street away and the laughter and the barking buscabalas the rose into the air, time and space to the street of death, where she ran with her children in their arms, bag full of diapers. One night in the street, many nights on that street. Death drives a green Falcon. Better to think about how to find another street, the Huaca Juliana, but she does not know how to get back.
If you close your eyes and the tears may stop running . Feel
and soothing heat of the city that knows no wind, the leaves do not move here

"walk often takes on the sidewalk
that trembles to the beat of hip" Look

running and jumping children and the dog, she goes with her baguette under his arm, heard the bells of St. Mary's Church, and will come home. But again
kids and dog away and directed her desperate search with the barking, heard as far away, infinitely far away.


This street is heavily wooded. Early spring and makes a moist heat.
Now this street life continues. Nobody asks for that girl, for that child, for that drink. Life goes on this street, she does not know where to go, where each day will win a day after death.
This street is in the spring There is a very bright light and balconies florecenLa pasay people this is everyday life.
The orchard on the corner of the street sells fruit, flowers florist orders.
This street is in spring, moist air smells on the street where life goes on. This is called daily life, think. Review addresses, places distant friends, browse the newspaper announcing new "encounters" and new bodies.
There are still few and Mothers bodies have not gone mad.
Now this street is spring despite Yet she recognizes a beautiful spring. Square seen from afar, games, shovel and bucket, the street is a party.
She feels that the street is a party to the other and the city only hear the heartbeat of what we do not bother,
have to find another street, we must find the scent of bougainvillea, we must hear the sounds of the church Santa Maria and walk up the side of the Huaca Juliana
must return home.


Back home, think and where is the house of children and the puppy?
back home. He feels that the tidal waves away or the wind is raging again. But there is no wind, he says. Look at the sea, these waves that crash onto the shore, Pacific stands at times threatening.
She sees children playing running, laughing, arm their castles, sea and disarms the wet dream of sand. Come flailing
the embankments that protect the city blonde, towers, and walkways. Remnants are left in the sand, exposed to proximate and ultimate destruction, while the children and build another castle, other towers, other passages. There is so much life inside the castle.
There is so much life. VI

When they flee and come to another part, life is smooth even with its hardships. She opens a window on the street unknown. This quiet, the leaves do not move. Feel strange. But life is
soft when the horror left behind and the kids complain, soft life to soothe the wounds claims he has recovered his air parcel elsewhere

jasmine in her hair and pink in the face" She opens a

window, gets life Have I found that street?


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